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Aesthetic Medicine comprises all medical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance and satisfaction of the patient, using non-invasive to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. The Aesthetic Medicine specialty is not confined to dermatologists and plastic surgeons as doctors of all specialties seek to offer services to address their patient's aesthetic needs and desires. Some Aesthetic Medicine procedures are performed under local aesthesia while some procedures don't require anaesthesia at all.
The exciting field of Aesthetic Medicine is a new trend in modern medicine. Patients not only want to be in good health, they also want to enjoy life to the fullest, be fit and minimize the effects of normal aging. Indeed, patients are now requesting quick, non-invasive procedures with minor downtime and very little risk. As a general rule, the needle is increasingly replacing the scalpel.
This recent trend explains the current success of Aesthetic Medicine around the globe. These aesthetic procedures consist of:
The real benefit of practicing Aesthetic Medicine is the type of care that practitioners are offering to their patients. These procedures are elective and are performed on patients who do not suffer from illness. They are usually happy and in excellent health. They simply want a minimally invasive preventative procedure to help manage the normal effects of aging.
These, along with the very lucrative business it represents, are the benefits any doctor should expect by expanding his/her own practice to an Aesthetic practice.